Join the UpStreet Youth Advisory Board
Help shape and strengthen our teen mental wellness programs!
What is UpStreet’s Youth Advisory Board?
UpStreet’s Youth Advisory Board empowers youth ages 12-22 to shape and strengthen our teen mental wellness programming through outreach, education, and event planning. Youth Advisory Board participants serve a one-year term, working collaboratively with their peers and our staff to ensure that UpStreet continues to reflect the needs of the youth it serves.
Why does UpStreet need a Youth Advisory Board?
UpStreet is for teens and young adults. Teen and young adult voices and experiences are essential to both the development and continued programming of UpStreet. We want to empower young people to advocate for themselves and their peers on issues related to mental wellness.
What do our Youth Advisory Board members do?
Attend one YAB meeting each month
Attend one outreach, drop-in space, or programs committee meeting each month
Help develop outreach and social media content
Represent UpStreet at community events
Advocate and build awareness of youth mental health in the Pittsburgh community
Collaborate on the design and appearance of UpStreet
Help plan special events and programs related to mental wellness